Interracial relationships: why they happen, and the struggles the people in them have.

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Essay Database > History
Holding an inter-racial relationship is a great struggle for those who choose to cross racial boundaries. People who engage in such a relationship show maturity, operate with an open mind, and exhibit respect for all God's beings, regardless of skin color. Society today is still not entirely accepting of inter-racial relationships. Prejudices and unfair treatment sill exist. Love should have no boundaries at all. Love cannot be categorized into a race. Racism in today's society …

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…off of the law or dissolve it as well. Although Alabama, did not dissolve this law until the year 2000. Immigrants from around the globe, were also less segregated and more accepted because people seen how loves overcomes color or heritage. The expansion of people and races in the United States and around the world can be a great factor in why cross- relations take place. There's is a larger choice of male and female companions.