Interracial MarriagesThe Social Taboo

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Essay Database > Literature > English
America, a country thriving on differences, still struggles with accepting all the different walks of life. The history of this nation shows the racial tension existing between the American society and outsiders. Presently society while slowly becoming more racially tolerant remains reluctant to fully accept interracial marriages. Many opinions exist concerning the motivation for interracial marriages. Some think interracial marriage has made such a rapid increase due to the increase of immigration into America. Studies …

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…should be between same-race couples. However the younger more liberal generations are more accepting. Statistics show that "60 percent of teen-agers approved of biracial marriages compared with 52 percent in 1977"(French 2). This growth of acceptance will fuel more interracial marriages in the future. Interracial marriages share many problems, yet experience many advantages like most marriages today. This social issue still remains a common topic for debate. Hopefully one-day discrimination to races and mixed raced marriages will disappear.