Internment Camps

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Essay Database > History
It prompted America?s entry into World War II. It took citizens by surprise. It grabbed President Franklin D. Roosevelt?s concern. On December 7, 1941 the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor. American battleships Arizona, Tennessee, West Virginia, and California were sunk. As a result over 2,400 American soldiers and civilians were killed and even more injured. After prior mobilization for war, the action taken by the Japanese prompted America?s attention to war efforts. Meanwhile, President Roosevelt feared …

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…fact is, the relocation had the strange effect of forcing their adjustment, by breaking down the usual immigration social makeup. The morality of this decision can only be gauged by one?s personal opinion. Is it OK for another country to render the lives of their own civilians more important than that of another? Does the fact that the Japanese surrendered from World War II constitute the U.S. as winners? These questions remain unanswered.