Internet issues

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Tweaking the new Netcode (Client) So you understand how the server is compensating for your lag now, and... what's that? You don't like it? Well never fear, you can turn it off for just yourself while others who play better with it can leave it on. Valve has included many options for you to setup the netcode how you play best. Let's get started. cl_lc X - This tells the server you're playing on …

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…death notices stay on your screen. While this is normally 6, setting this higher can give you more time to notice the deaths of teammates or important enemies. This is very helpful in team games. fastsprites X - This is a helpful tweak for Counter-Strike. Setting this to 1 decreases smoke grenade complexity, making it ugly, but much faster. 2 uses a different method which may be even faster depending on your machine. This defaults to 0, or off.