Internet Writing - How to keep one's attention using the internet as the medium.

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
The problem presented in today's Internet is how to maintain the audiences' attention long enough for them to receive our message. According to Jakob Nielsen, we will solve this problem by writing concise text, write skimmable text, write objectives and clear text, and write with design in mind. We will now prove his theory to be true. After researching several websites over the holidays, I have found one that I believe was built on these …

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…have the time to go through each and every one. Surfing becomes our way out of this information overload. By tailoring your site to meet the following criteria; Write concise text, write skimmable text, Clear hyperlinks to provide users with direction, Write objective and clear text, and write with design in mind. By using these guidelines you will be able to effectively sell your product or present your information in a clear and concise manner.