Internet Seach Engines

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Internet
In an article from USA Today's technology section, columnist Jefferson Graham writes about a woman named Susan Wojcicki, and how she played a part in the creation of, one of the largest search engines on the Internet today. Susan doesn't have much to do with the story, other than the fact that she rented a room to Larry Page and Sergey Brin back in 1998, when they came up with the idea to create …

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…on the Internet. As they celebrated their fifth anniversary on September 7th, this year, they have grown to not only search for Internet sites, but also for comparison shopping, news, the personal online journals called Weblogs and even a service that blocks pop-up ads. Google has become the premiere search engine in just 5 years, and looks to keep its crown for the next five, and beyond., News, USA Today, Technology, Columnist- Jefferson Graham