Internet Job Search and the Effect on Unemployment Duration

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Pages: 18
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Essay Database > Business & Economy
Internet Job Search and the Effect on Unemployment Duration Abstract Jobseeker behavior changed in 1990's with the introduction of non-traditional methods of searching for a job such as the Internet. Online search methods have replaced many of the traditional methods of searching for a job. In August 2000, one in four unemployed U.S. job seekers reported that they use the Internet as a method of searching for employment. Which types of persons used the Internet …

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…amp;gt;0.037102<Tab/>0.9705 UNEMPLOYMENT<Tab/>0.800974<Tab/>1.636042<Tab/>0.1061 DUMMY<Tab/>1.226741<Tab/>3.011305<Tab/>0.0036 R-squared<Tab/>0.924428<Tab/>Durbin-Watson stat<Tab/>2.358570 Adjusted R-squared<Tab/>0.919322<Tab/> F-statistic<Tab/>181.0399