Internet Censorship

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Free Speech on the Internet: The Boundaries of Censorship With the ever-growing popularity of the Internet more and more people are concerned with the vast amounts of uncensored material that can be accessed. Although there have been many attempts to legally censor the Internet, thus far most have failed. The common thread that runs through each of these articles is the extent to which censorship should be applied to material on the Internet. Most all …

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…Violence: A View From the Street. NIJ Research Preview. Guernsey, Joann Bren. 1996. Youth Violence: An American Epidemic?. Lerner Publishing Group. Chao, Lena M., Ph.D.; Parachini, Allan; Hernandez, Fernando, Ph.D.; Cody, Michael J., Ph.D.; and Davis, Daniel Cochece. From Words to Weapons: The Violence Surrounding Our Schools. ACLU Foundation of Southern California. Katz, Jon. 1998. What Makes Kids Kill? Zimring, Franklin E. 1998. American Youth Violence (Studies in Crime and Public Policy). Oxford University Press.