Internet Censorship

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Censorship and the Internet I do not feel that censorship on the internet is a good thing. It has been two-hundred and nine years since the Bill of Rights was ratified. I doubt that our Founding Fathers ever imagined the changes that would come over our country. Although the Constitution has held up through the years, it cannot be argued that in the last fifty years especially, issues come up daily that seem to test …

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…be little left of this great tool we call the World Wide Web-and that, would be a shame. The government is not there only to protect us, but to represent the voice of the people. If politicians continue to please those who outspokenly voice censorship, our freedoms will slowly dwindle, and freedom is what our country is based on. It is your business what you do on the Internet, so let's keep it that way.