Internet Article Review - Organizational Culture - MGT331

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
When analyzing an organization's culture, it is essential to understand the role culture plays in today's business environments. Organizational culture is the foundation of any business, as it breeds employee attitudes, dictates their behavior, and infuses in them a specific work ethic. In companies where the organizational culture is positive, employees are unsurprisingly more productive, more creative and waste less time on non-business related activities. Companies that harbor a negative organizational culture can fuel poor …

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…employee productivity can suffer due to poor attitudes and inadequate work ethics. In my organization, the culture is easy to recognize and is very much a positive part of the company. My organization has been around for over 20 years; therefore, the culture is very much ingrained into each process of every department. While there is always gossip in any organization, there is a level of mutual respect that I have never prior been accustomed to.