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Essay Database > Science & Technology
E-mail & Usenet The advantages of e-mail are that they can be personal and private. Not everyone can read or have access to your e-mail address and account. You can send an e-mail to anyone who as an e-mail address. I think of e-mail as regular mail just faster. I can send pictures through e-mail. You can even keep tabs on your bills using your e-mail account and address. There are some disadvantages to e-mail. You …

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…organizations and corporations have a news server. Some of them do require a username and password to participate in the discussions. You have a lot more freedom and access to tons of information. Some disadvantages of this program could be no privacy. Some articles or discussions can be upsetting or explicit, and they do have the right to post these articles and discussions. Usenet can be addictive. You can get caught in a tangle web.