Internationel Communication

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
INTRODUCTION Purpose Culture shaping our values, priorities and practises influence the communication in a significant way.Since people communicate in different ways because they are raised in a particular culture , the impact of culture would be the first to examine.The ways to enhance the effectiveness of intercultural communication should be highlighted. Intercultural communication which arises from the interaction of different cultures can occur in many fields in life. Regarding social life, which problems intercultural …

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…significant number of people from diversified backgrounds interact increasingly in every aspect of life. The key to succesful intercultural communication lies in awareness of differences in cultural values and an attempt to be sensitive and open-minded about these differences. The global reality demands a great deal of adaptibility to change and accommondation of intercultural differences.In order to be effective in intercultural communication ; perspectives and attitudes towards people of different cultures have to be flexible.