International marketing- vietnam

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Essay Database > Business & Economy
General survey of the culture of Vietnam With nearly 80 million people, Vietnam is the second most populous country in Southeast Asia, and the 14th most populous in the world .Vietnam has fifty-six different ethnic groups, with the ethnic Vietnamese (called viet or kinh) comprising roughly 87 percent of the total population. Even within the diverse group of countries that comprise Southeast Asia, Vietnam can undoubtedly be considered unique. Culturally, the overriding influence of china has strongly …

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…amp;lt;Tab/>Engholm Christopher, The channels of distribution, Doing business in the new Vietnam 1995, pg.114 -119 3.<Tab/>"Vietnam Economy News" Vietnam Panorama 4.<Tab/>Le Tuan Kiet "Vietnamese tea: Finding the way to new markets," No.7 (96), April 10, 2002<Tab/><Tab/>