International Marketplace

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
Jason Racki English 123 Ms. Gigliotti Term paper The Everyday Effects of the International Marketplace American is increasingly connected to the rest of theworld as a global economy becomes more important. We participate in the international marketplace both as providers of goods and as consumers. How we buy and sell affects us both in terms of what goods we can choose from, but also what jobs are available, and what kinds of industries will come to …

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…Cohen, Roger. (1996, November 16). Global forces batter politics. The New York Times. [Online]. Available: America Online, keyword:@Times. The NAFTA: expanding u.s. exports, jobs, and growth (1993). Clinton Administration Statement on the North America Free Trade Agreement. Washington: GPO. Squeezing the textile workers: trade and technology force a new wave of job cuts. (1996, February 21). The New York Times, p. D1. Verhovek, Sam. (1996, January 15). In small town texas, the sewing stops. The New York Times, p. A10.