Interest Group Research Assignment (Sierra Club)

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Essay Database > Law & Government
Part 1: There are many different types of interest groups in the United States, such as, labor interest groups, agriculture, business, and environmental interest groups. Amount the newest political interest groups are the environmentalist. A handful, such as the Audubon Society and the Sierra Club, has been around since the nineteenth century, but others can trace their origins to the first Earth Day, April 22, 1970. Founded on May 28, 1892 with 128 members, John Muir being the club's first president. …

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…of the environment is in harm, the water and Pikes Peak, and now is gaining attention by the public from this lawsuit. From this attention, politicians will adapt to the publics views and eventually support their cause. Thus environmental policies will eventually be implemented. Causing the Sierra Club to get what they want. This is somewhat an example of multiple access point. By taking this issue to court, the interest group can get their way.