Intercultural Communication in the Workplace

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
INTRODUCTION The face of the workplace is changing: More women, more ethnic minorities, and more immigrants are entering the work force. As a result, the workplace is increasingly multicultural. Now, think about what you've read about today's job market: Employers look for job candidates who have good communication and interpersonal skills and are team players. Those skills are increasingly important as the American work force expands to include a wide variety of cultures. Culture is …

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…end, however, it's up to you--the gateways are effective only if you're willing to go through them. References: Chaney, L. H., & Martin, J. S. (1995). Intercultural business communication. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall Career and Technology. (HF 5389 .C47 1995) Kenton, S. B., & Valentine, D. (1997). Crosstalk: Communicating in a multicultural workplace. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. (HD 30.3 .K455 1997) Munger, S. H. (1993). International business communication desk reference. New York, NY: AMACOM. (REF HF 5718 .M38 1993)