Interacial Relationships

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Political Science
Interracial romance has been a point of argument in America since the first English settlers established colonies in the seventeenth century. In 1664 Maryland banned interracial marriage due to questions over whether the children of a black slave and a white person would be considered a free person or property. In following years, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and South Carolina instituted anti-miscegenation laws which banned interracial marriage. In 1691 Virginia outlawed interracial couples and labeled their children …

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…everyone will blend into one race, the human race. More importantly, assert many supporters of interracial relationships, color should not matter when it comes to love. They echo Martin Luther King Jr.'s famous sentiment that people should be judged not "by the color of their skin but by the content of their character." The debate over interracial relationships is controversial because it touches on the sensitive areas of family, cultural heritage, religion, and racism.