Institutionally constructed racism and its ongoing effects in modern America.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Computers and Cybernetics
NB. I am Australian and the above grade is what I estimate to be an A-. Which is the mark I recieved for the assignment. NB. The hypothesis for my asignment is as follows: "Racism in the United States of America was constructed and continues to be maintained by the institutions, systems and practices of the predominantly white culture." Institutionally Constructed Racism and its ongoing effects in Modern America "In the land of the free, …

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…American History, Tripod, 22/03/06, http://members.tripod.cony-greatamericanhistory /gr02011.htm. 4. Malkin, Michelle, 2001 4/4/06 5. Sanders, Kerry, 2005 Katrina Victims blame racism for slow aid, NBC News, 4/4/06, 6. Randall, Vernella. R, 2005 Institutional Racism - Race Studies, University of Daytona, 23/03/06, Http:// 7. 2006 Racism in the United States- Modern Hate groups, Wikipedia 15/5/06 http://en.wikipedia/org/wiki/Racism_in_the_United_States#Modern_Hate_groups