Instead of small-scale of tourism, we need to develop more large resorts. Critically evaluate this assertion, focusing upon the role of tourism in economic development in your answer.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
1 INTRODUCTION. It can be seen that after World War II, with the impact of advanced technology, shorter working hours, greater individual prosperity and many other elements like these, millions of people are enjoying an increasing amount of leisure time in both the developed and developing countries of the world, which has led to a booming of tourism industry to a worldwide extent. Nowadays, tourism, as a sector of relatively recent development in many economies, is …

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…extent of government participation employment levels or the balance of payments, whose significance in modern macroeconomic management is very high, and the potential profit that can be exerted from this industry has a great connection with the development scale not only in economics theory but also in practice, all of which cover a large scale of resource. Thus in order to exert the largest profits from tourism, it is necessary to develop large-scale tourism industries.