Insight into "Hunters in the Snow" - By: Tobias Wolff

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"Hunters in the Snow" is a compelling story that gives readers the opportunity to share what they interoperate with many ideas. There are several instances that leave the readers asking why. Did Tub shoot Kenny in fear or was it because of a sudden outburst Kenny caused from taunting him all day. On the way to the hospital, took their time and even left Kenny in the back on the truck bed freezing to death …

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…with Frank taking a different turn and never getting Kenny to the hospital. The story doesn't say Frank took a wrong turn, it says he took a different turn. So maybe on the way, Frank and Tub settled their differences and decided it would be better to have Kenny die and cover the whole situation up. They might have figured Tub was going to jail no matter what if they brought Kenny to the hospital.