Inside Struggle

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Essay Database > Literature > English
I can't do this, the exhausted mountain climber thought. There is no way I'll ever make it. This admission hit his heart like a hammer driving a spike deeper into the ground. This man in the past was known around the world for his mountain-climbing skills. Now, at 57, he finds it hard to do anything, much less scale a snow-covered mountain. In an attempt to rediscover his youth and restore his vitality, he decided to …

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…hero so many years ago. With all the power he has left, the man starts to move. As he begins his ascent, a gust of wind ravages the mountainside, almost knocking him off. Rage floods his mind and in an act of anger he shouts out, "You will not defeat me!" At a pace that defies description, the mountain climber again makes his way up the mountain and takes his first steps toward inner peace.