Injustice kills another Jew

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Essay Database > History
Injustice kills another Jew Leo Frank in the article "The Fate of Leo Frank" by Leonard Dinnerstein did not receive a fair trial. I believe that the ghost of Leo Frank should haunt forever the families of those who convicted and lynched him. Prejudice convicted Leo Frank, not the evidence presented at his trial. In July, 1913, Leo Frank, a Georgian pencil manufacturing company co-owner and manager, was indicted by a grand jury for the murder …

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…raided the farm and drove Frank to Marietta where they lynched him. His attackers were never identified, though the local community more than likely could have named them. This is the injustice Frank received. Prejudice was, I believe, the deciding factor in the case of Leo Frank. And as long as there is prejudice in the state and local governments there will always be a Leo Frank being sacrificed on the alter intolerance and bigotry.