Initial Incorporation

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Pages: 6
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
The ways immigrants incorporate into American society are critical aspects for understanding why particular groups disproportionately bear the burden of inequality which it undermines their opportunities on their subsequent social success and economic success. Despite the fact that Ethnic inequalities originated in exceedingly diverse ways; ethnic inequality is hardly a unitary phenomenon, I believe that Initial incorporation affect subsequent social and economic successes of ethnic groups. Therefore, I argue that initial incorporation is primary factor …

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…black Americans were regularly denied for equal employment opportunity, it created a perception of lower return for higher educational input. They share the same experiences and histories as colonized groups and become part of a new society through force or violence. Ethnic inequalities originate from initial incorporation and manner of entrance. And labor market incorporation and modes of incorporation are not satisfactory in explaining and understanding the affects on ethnic groups' social and economic success.