Inherent Evil in "Lord of the Flies".

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Essay Database > Literature
"Lord of the Flies" provides one with a clear understanding of Golding's view of human nature. Whether this view is right or wrong is a point to be debated. This image Golding paints for the reader, that of humans being inherently bad, is a perspective not all people share. "Lord of the Flies" is but an abstract tool of Golding's to construct the idea of the inherent evil of human nature in the minds of …

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…be found in everyone. One should not be mistaken, though, that anyone could be completely good either. All people have capacity for both good and evil. Golding has a misguided view of all humans being inherently bad. When considering this hypothesis, one must remember that each individual has a consciousness and the ability to choose. No one can be entirely good or bad. Works Cited: Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. New York: Putnam Publishing, 1954.