Informal social norms.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Sociology
In this assignment you have challenged me to violate one of the informal social norms that is pervasive in our society. After debating for some time over which social norm I would violate, I had decided on a classic that's right, I was going to break wind in public. It was in music class when I decided to put my plans into action. It was on the day that my professor had scheduled a test. …

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…with me and gave me this look as if to say, "yeah you did it and now you know I know you didn't". In conclusion violating these informal social norms aren't really that big of a deal especially if you're not embarrassed that easily. The only thing that really happens is a little public humiliation or maybe somebody will make fun of you. But other than that violating informal social norms really isn't any sweat.