Info on the Versailles Peace Treaty and The Reaction of the Germans

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Treaty Of Versailles World War I was put to an end with the all the countries signing a peace treaty. The treaty was signed in Hall of Mirrors on June 28, 1919, 7 months after the Armistice stopping the fighting on November 11, 1918.The conference was attended by thirty-two states. Negotiations were dominated by the five major powers responsible for defeating the Central powers: the United States, Britain, France, Italy, and Japan. Major decisions were made by the 'Big …

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…loss of territory was unfair. Germany lost a tenth of its land. Other nations were given self-determination - but the Treaty forced Germans to live in other countries. Germans were also angry that they could not unite with the Austrian Germans. They said they were not to blame for the war. The soldier sent to sign the Treaty refused to sign it - 'To say such a thing would be a lie,' he said.