Influential Musicians from 1940-2003 ~Paul Simon, Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix~

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Influential Musicians from 1940-2003 ~Paul Simon, Bob Dylan and Jimi Hendrix~ The social and political climate of each era of American culture has been historically impacted not only by a recognizable music style from that era but also by lyrics of the musicians, and by the musical artists themselves. While some popular musicians are more celebrated than others there were unmistakably a few pioneers that have changed the course of music in America. One of …

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…to his lungs and choking him. Jimi died on the morning of September 18, 1970, he was twenty-seven years old. As the years go by, it becomes increasingly apparent that Hendrix created a branch on the pop tree that nobody else has ventured too far out on. Non has actually extended in the directions he pursued, but perhaps that is because he took them, in his painfully short time on earth, as far as they could go.