Influence of the Electoral College over Campaign Strategies
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Essay Database > Literature > English
Peter Robinson
In What Ways Does the Electoral College System Influence the Campaign Strategies and Priorities of US Presidential Candidates? Outline the Criticisms that have been made of the Electoral College and how they can be overcome.
The process of electing a president in the US is not as simple as declaring the winner to be the candidate with the most votes. Each state is granted a number of Electoral College votes, which are to
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fear that rural influence would be far greater than their own. Although both systems could work just as well as the current system they too have their problems. If either alternative were to be introduced it would be rejected by one group or another, even though all groups are probably unhappy with the current system. So unless something is devised that will satisfy everyone it looks as though the Electoral College is here to stay.
fear that rural influence would be far greater than their own. Although both systems could work just as well as the current system they too have their problems. If either alternative were to be introduced it would be rejected by one group or another, even though all groups are probably unhappy with the current system. So unless something is devised that will satisfy everyone it looks as though the Electoral College is here to stay.