Influence of Christianity on Public Morality

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
Public morality refers to attempts by Christians to influence public policy so that a more just society is shaped. In 1972, a Methodist from Victoria, John Westerman, suggested that this could be usefully summarised under five main approaches; Christendom -The Christendom approach says 'we want the whole community to accept Christian standards'. -A recent example of the Christendom approach is the way religious groups effectively lobbied to have the federal government over turned Northern Territory legislation …

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…society. Christians have a responsibility to look beyond welfare at structural alternatives. -Those with a Christian responsibility view believe that it is necessary Christian obligation to speak out on issues. Eg. "The church not only may speak out on this, the Church is obliged to speak out on matters of justice and it will continue to do so." Catholic Cardinal Clancy By the Twenty-First century, most denominations had accepted the responsibility approach to public morality.