Infectious Disease

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
What is the stake of the American People and the Government by International Agencies to control Infectious Disease in Developing Countries? More people are at risk of infectious diseases than at any other time on history. Infectious diseases are worldwide problem requiring worldwide attention. Infectious diseases can weaken the strength of a nation's resources. In developing nations this poses even a greater threat. Diseases are threatening the economic stability of many developing nations. 50,000 people die …

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…in preventing it. NGOs can provide training in these areas. Another way of prevention is improved living conditions. Poor sanitation, overcrowding and malnutrition all contribute to the spread of disease. Sponsored community based programs can prevent disease infection. Housing projects can assist overpopulation. Disease prevention also requires health care programs. International efforts to fight diseases benefits both the United States and the global community. Health emergencies throughout the world will continue, and we must prepared.