Infections -- common and risky by Dr S.K. Jindal
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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Infections -- common and risky by Dr S.K. Jindal DISEASES in medical practice are classified on the basis of their causes -- congenital, hereditary, infectious, allergic, neoplastic, degenerative, idiopathic and others. Prima facie, an infectious disease is perhaps the most treatable and preventable problem. Yet infections remain the most common medical disorders threatening the health care infrastructure. Even in the modern era when the advances in medical technology and pharmaceutical sciences have tremendously expanded,
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weapon in our hands for all kinds of infectious diseases. Man's fight with micro-organisms will go on. Both are living organisms and have natural mechanisms to adapt to each other's onslaught and develop new mechanisms of survival. This, however, takes long. As of the practical steps for the common man, besides the adoption of general public health measures, it is important to be careful and cautious, recognise early symptoms and seek medical attention in time.
weapon in our hands for all kinds of infectious diseases. Man's fight with micro-organisms will go on. Both are living organisms and have natural mechanisms to adapt to each other's onslaught and develop new mechanisms of survival. This, however, takes long. As of the practical steps for the common man, besides the adoption of general public health measures, it is important to be careful and cautious, recognise early symptoms and seek medical attention in time.