Infant Temperament in Context of Evolutionary Theories of Emotion.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
Infants show a lot of variability in their temperament, or their characteristic mood, activity level, and emotional activity. From the beginning of life, some babies seem very outgoing and willing to conform the demands of the outside. On the other side of the coin, some babies seemed to have perfered the peace of the mother, and seem to be cranky, irritable and not willing to participate in their new environment. Temperaments, like emotion in the …

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…lot of predators, would need the adaptability and silence more then other families. Emotion and temperament are really similar in the ways that they developed and the ways that they mature. Both are inborn, furthermore, and most importantly, both formed out of a need to increase survival. Both temperament and emotions are ways infants, and in later life adults, can help to react to a new environment and obtain the vital things needed for life.