Inequality- The Natural State of Human Beings Think Essay using quotes, explaining them, and responding to them; dealing with controversial issues.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
"At first we had the land and the white man had the bible. Now we have the Bible and the white man has the land." -Dan George, 19th Century Canadian Indian Native Americans lived in America long before the Europeans happened to come across and settle the land there. Native Americans had their own belief systems and ways of living before the Europeans attempted to spread Christianity and convert everyone to their way of thinking. …

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…theme of the white race being more equal than others is again fairly represented. Although all men were created equal, the men created with darker skin are a 'different breed of animal'. As long as this racially ignorant perspective persists, the white race will dominate all others. As long as minorities let their voices be swallowed up by those of the louder speaking crowds there will always be races that are dominant to one another.