Industry Research Completion/Auto Industry Economic Profile

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Essay Database > Law & Government
The automotive industry can be regarded as a fairly important player in terms of economic impact on the national economies in which it operates. Life is full of trade-offs. People must constantly decide how to spend the limited amounts of money and time they have available. The choices that people make when faced with these trade-offs reflect their knowledge, preferences and values. Prices are the direct, internal, variable, perceived costs involved in consuming a good, …

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…Federal Reserve Monetary Policy. Retrieved from USDOC. (2004, April). The Road Ahead for the U.S. Industry. Office of Automotive Affairs, Transportation and Machinery, International Trade Administration. U. S. Department of Commerce. Retrieved from Victoria Transport Policy Institute. (2005, May 9). Transportation Elasticities, How Prices and Other Factors Affect Travel Behavior. TDM Encyclopedia. Retrieved from