Industrialization and Economy

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In the late 1800's the United States of America was changed in many different ways. From changing with new inventions, dramatic increase in growth, and different forms of transportation. These changes had a big affect on the economy. This was the process by which the United States changed from a farm to a manufacturing economy. The building of the railroad had a major impact on our country. The railroad went from Los Angeles to New …

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…labor. The top five industries supply more then 2 million jobs total to America. Over $880,000,000 is spent on labor coasts. Without the influence of new ideas, America would never have advanced economically, as well as socially to be what it is today. Many lives and dreams were dedicated to this process of making America independent. Many drastic changes and advances took place took place during this time. All this made life in America adventurous, and arduous.