Industrialization: Inventions and Philosophies

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Essay Database > History
Industrialization was a major part of American history. It was very effective starting after the Reconstruction and still is today. Many factors helped industrializations become as effective as it was back then. The abundance of inventions and new philosophies are two of these factors. One of the major reasons industrialization was so effective and ineffective at the same time was the abundance of inventions and the effect they had on society. Inventions meant less work …

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…to an industry. His monopoly was in the banking system. He was in command of almost all the banks in America. Generally, monopolies are bad, and these three were no exception. However, shortly after the industrialization period, these monopolies in general were stopped. A major part of American history was industrialization. Because of a few different factors, including the abundance of inventions and new philosophies, industrialization is as effective today as it was following Reconstruction.