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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > History
Freud and Marx it can be argued were both, as individuals,
dissatisfied with their societies. Marx more plainly than Freud, but Freud
can also be seen as discontent in certain aspects such as his cynical view of
human nature. Each were great thinkers and philosophers, but both seemed
unhappy. Perhaps the social ills and trouble each perceived in the world
about them were only the reflections of what each of the thinkers held within
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saw nothing of the occasional revolutions Marx did, it was all one long struggle to him. Freud and Marx theorised about and observed the world around them and interpreted it in the terms and ways they were most accomplished at and familiar with. The question remains unanswered though, did Freud and Marx simply observe the true reality of the world and state what they saw, or was the world about them in actually reflecting themselves.
saw nothing of the occasional revolutions Marx did, it was all one long struggle to him. Freud and Marx theorised about and observed the world around them and interpreted it in the terms and ways they were most accomplished at and familiar with. The question remains unanswered though, did Freud and Marx simply observe the true reality of the world and state what they saw, or was the world about them in actually reflecting themselves.