Industrial revolution and its changes.
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Essay Database > History
The Industrial Revolution in North America The industrial revolution started around 1750. It began in Britain and it spread through out the World. England was known as "the world's workshop" because at that point in time, England was the major manufacturing center of the World.(Bailey) It took about ten years for the industrial revolution to spread to other places. It spread to America. The Industrial Revolution was favorable to the American colonies by bringing the
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is today. The Industrial Revolution, in my belief, was the most important thing that ever happened to America. The country needed money and the Industrial Revolution brought the money which it needed. The cities began to grow because of the people moving to the factories. The amount of jobs also grew and this was good for the society. And most importantly, to keep the country growing, the Industrial Revolution brought more money to the economy.
is today. The Industrial Revolution, in my belief, was the most important thing that ever happened to America. The country needed money and the Industrial Revolution brought the money which it needed. The cities began to grow because of the people moving to the factories. The amount of jobs also grew and this was good for the society. And most importantly, to keep the country growing, the Industrial Revolution brought more money to the economy.