Industrial Revolution
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Essay Database > Science & Technology
How Global Warming Relates to the Industrial Revolution
Global Warming relates back to the Industrial Revolution in many ways. During the Industrial Revolution many new inventions were made that would make life easier for people back then and also in the future. One of the inventions was the steam engine which later lead to the combustion engine that is put in cars, boats, and trains. Global Warming ties in with my subject of Heat Sources
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extent that it is inhabitable. Some cars that are being made are using electricity, which produces no pollution, which is a very big break through for the future of the earth. Here is a picture of an old steam engine that was used during the Industrial Revolution 7 Here is a picture of the main contributor to Global Warming. In this picture you can clearly see the pollution coming out of the cars stuck in traffic.
extent that it is inhabitable. Some cars that are being made are using electricity, which produces no pollution, which is a very big break through for the future of the earth. Here is a picture of an old steam engine that was used during the Industrial Revolution 7 Here is a picture of the main contributor to Global Warming. In this picture you can clearly see the pollution coming out of the cars stuck in traffic.