Industrial Revolution

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Essay Database > History
Industrial Revolution Essay The period between 1865 and 1900 is known as the Industrial Revolution. During that time the U.S. changed from an un-unified, agricultural society into a developed, industrialized society. Industrialization changed all aspects of the country. The revolution did have negative effects on society,such as poor work conditions and child labor. While the Industrial Revolution did create many long lasting labor problems, it did advance America economicallyand, therefore left the U.S. better …

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…lot of money off of the suffering of the common people. In conclusion, while the Industrial Revolution created many labor problems which still exist today, it left the United States in a much better position than it was before the revolution. The U.S. became the biggest economic power as a result and was able to be the biggest manufacturer of many goods in the world. Although flawed the Industrial revolution was good for America.