Industrial Music

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Essay Database > Arts & Humanities > Music
Rock and roll is dead. It's a fact. During the eighties romp of techno and fashion bands, people forgot all about it. In the late eighties and early nineties alternative music tried to save rock and roll, but it was too big of a category. If a band didn't sing country or rap, they were considered alternative. Every alternative band had their own idea of music, and it all spread apart, running farther away from …

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…the same hard flare of the original. But now, rock and roll is back, and it's mad as hell. Industrial is the closest thing to rock that we have, just a little more demented. Now that people are getting bored of the same old pointless rap songs, all of the little alternative categories are getting looked into more seriously and industrial music is thriving, creating a new future for the once destroyed rock and roll.