"Industrial Growth in the United States for 1860-1900"

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Essay Database > History
Many important factors helped to promote America's huge industrial growth during the period from 1860 to 1900. Before the blossom of this industrialization, the United States consisted of mostly farms and small towns. The development of factories and urban cities soon changed all of this. The railroad system expanded and eventually turned into a goldmine for commerce in the United States. Machinery started to decrease the amount of animal labor used, which allowed the consistency and production …

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…the United States shocked the world by transforming into a dynamite industrial nation. It's population increased from six million people in 1860 to over thirty million in 1900. Power sources played a major role in industry at this time. Communication devices and railroads also increased commerce. Big businesses were on the rise and American's soon left their farms for factories. These factors helped to promote the United States' successfully rapid industrial growth during the period from 1860 to 1900.