Inductive essay on the book "The Wars" by Timothy Findley

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Timothy Findley uses fire in his book, The Wars, to portray some of the significances to Robert Ross's life. Robert Ross is the main character that faces many problems. Throughout the book Robert witnesses and is purified, and also witnesses and is destroyed by many experiences. Throughout the story fire consumes almost every aspect of Roberts life. Life during a war was literally a living hell for those who had to fight. War was like …

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…like rat and cat and people. To summarize this topic of fire one statement can be generalized. The purification and destruction of fire can be related to almost every aspect of Robert Ross's life. Robert is purified by fire when he is burned in the barn, releasing the evil sins from his past. Robert is also finally destroyed in the end by fire. Smith 5 Work Cited Findley, Timothy. The Wars. Penguins Publishing. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: 1986