Indispensable Lines From the Iliad

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Essay Database > Literature > English
King Agamemnon began a chain of disastrous events when he foolishly and selfishly refused to return Chryses to her pleading father. As Chryse returned empty-handed, he prayed a request to the Lord Apollo. Apollo, who adored Chryse for his generous sacrifices, then began a nine day attack by raining needle-tipped arrows upon the Greek camp. When assembly was called on the tenth day, things became low down and dirty between the untouchable Achilles and king …

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…clearly made. The cause of the tragic events at the battle of Troy began from the selfish words of Agamemnon. Who knows what may have happened if strife had never risen between the two high figures? Achilles would probably have continued to fight valiantly and eventually successfully against Troy. But then you cannot forget that the fates of all men were carefully decided and planned out by the gods above on the snow-capped Mount Olympus.