Indigenous people in the media.

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Communication Studies
Australian Studies: Guided Issues Study - Indigenous people in the media "Aboriginal people are not able to counter mass media stereotyping". Discuss One of the biggest problems with Aboriginal people gaining widespread acceptance in the Australian community is the negative stereotyping created by the mass media. The average media stereotype of an Aboriginal person is uncivilized, ill tempered, unemployed, violent, and often inebriated. While not all media portray this, the few that do not only …

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…a convincing negative stereotype of what all Aboriginal people are like. Unfortunately, this has been accepted by society, and will take many years, and an active approach from the Aboriginal community, to remove and for Aboriginal people to gain equal opportunity in the widespread Australian community. Bibliography, visited on 10/5/03, visited on 10/5/03 Education officers at Tandanya Aboriginal Cultural Centre