India's Witch Hunts

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Pages: 9
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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Education
After reading "India's Witch Hunts", assume that you are advising an international group that wants to understand this violation of human rights. Explain what witchcraft is and compare and contrast it with other cases we've discussed and studied in class: <Tab/>Witchcraft is often defined by the social context it comes from. In the case of the situation in India, witchcraft is a negative social stigma or accusation. According to Shweder's …

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…reasonable to assume that Vang was just doing what he believed to be right. Is it okay to punish someone for a lack of education in Western protocol? I think our country can be rather irresponsible to assume that people such as the Hmong will be able to adjust comfortably to the lifestyle and culture here. Until people can understand where each other comes from, no one will ever get past cultural and ethnic barriers.