Indian persecutions

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Government & Politics
The text we have studied relates to the integration problem between teh white and Indian population of United States : Indians are called Native-Americans because they have lived there for centuries. White Europeans arrived in the 17th century on their land during the conquest of the new territories. The confrontation of two cultures led to many problems we will discuss later but, basically, we had the Indian culture related to nature, natural living in direct confrontation …

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…Indians have often been treated unequally and many protests were held during the 1960s and 1970s. The most surprising protest was certainly the Indian occupation of the Bureau of Indian Affairs in 1972. All Indian tribes were marching on Wasington with written demands. When they found that the accomodation they had reserved were taken, they took over the building for 7 days. This was a great moral victory for them, as most of their demands were passed.