Indian Vocabulary

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A) Stereotype- to follow a stereotype in thinking about a person, group, etc.- A way of thinking about a person, group, etc. that follows a fixed, common pattern, paying no attenion to individual differances. B) Culture-the ideas, customs, skills, arts, etc. of a people or group, that are transferred, communicated, or passed along, as in or to succeeding generations - such ideas, customs, etc. of a particular people or group in a particular period; …

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…property is entrusted J)- Cultural Conflict- a conflict between two cultures leading to wars, segregation, etc. K) Jim Crow Laws-(or segregation laws), name given to former laws of Southern states of U.S. providing for separation of black and white people in streetcars, trains, schools, and theaters; Jim Crow is thought to be an old nickname for a black American, popularized in a song Bibliography I got this from my American Histort Book.