Increase in illegal workers reduces wages, and increases the burden on social services. Supply and Demand; Labor Markets; Income Distribution and Poverty

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Economics
Subject: increase in illegal workers reduces wages, and increases the burden on social services Topic: Supply and Demand; Labor Markets; Income Distribution and Poverty Key Words: Illegal Immigration, Labor Market, Poverty, Hispanics, Regulation News Story Since September 11, 2001, U.S. border patrols have increased significantly. Patrols have increased so much that the cost to cross illegally from Mexico into the US has increased to about $1,500 since 1995. This increase has had an unlikely effect: Workers who entered …

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…at wages that are much lower then the equilibrium wage rate, they create a surplus of workers, and the number of available jobs for legal citizens decrease. These legal citizens once they are out of job then become eligible for government assistance and other aids and do not contribute to the economy/country. Thus the government makes its best efforts to stop illegal border crossing so that in can better provide for its valid citizens.