In what ways does this dialogue in act three four develop your response to Othello and Desdemona in the play?

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Othello and Desdemona are both very different characters within the play Othello, although through there differences they merge to form a loving relationship. As many relationships have problems within act three scene four Othello's and Desdemona's relationship is really tested. It is at this point that as an audience we really see the developments of each character; Othello going from previously appearing quite calm and level headed a man of the army to rather ruthless …

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…ends as they were both fooled by Iago's plan. From reading this scene of the play and as a member of the audience I can see the implication for further gullibility from both characters leading to their tragic deaths. I am not a pessimist so I believe it is possible that their relationship could only be settled in a place of peace, heaven where they cannot be threatened by the intolerable actions of immoral men.